Wednesday, September 30, 2015

100 Photos that Shook the World: Part One 50 photo

The world has recognized the power of photography, after seeing these pictures of people in human history Look into the eyes of the greatest cruelty. The photos of a lot of things have changed! They showed the world what brings war, hunger, violence, natural disasters, what is, at first glance, the reality of peace beyond cruelty.

1. The first child of photography

In 1826, Frenchman Joseph Nicephorus niepsim - Joseph NiƩpce - his studio window to create the view of reproduction, which was presented to the sloping roof of a shed, a pear tree, whose branches are seen in the sky, and the pigeon house. This rough and uncertain image Throughout history, the first successful photograph. Niepsim this picture heliograpia (Sun-Art) utsoda.pirveli disclosure photograph took 8 hours. As a result of photography.

In 1793, the French Nicephoros and his brother - Claude imagined photographic process. In coming years, Nikifor eksperimenetebs wore light-sensitive types of equipment and cameras.

2. The break for lunch. The famous photo from the photo collection of the New York

Jewish-Slavic tsarmoshopis photographer - Heinz Lewis 443-meter triumph of New York's Empire State Building- footage of the building. It is known that about 3000 European immigrants without any medical equipment to build the highest building in the world at that time.

102-storey Empire State Building- construction of 410 days. Skyscrapers opened on May 1, 1931, and was considered the tallest building in the United States to build a twin skyscraper. 11 September 2002 terrorist attacks in New York and then returned the tallest building status. According to official statistics, the construction of 5 people were killed.

3. The first plane.

4. 72-year-old funny genius.
1951. Photographer: Arthur Sasse.

Birthday photographers and journalists was annoyed by Albert Einstein, who demanded that smiled, the language assigned to them. This photo is proof that the genius physicist may have even greater freedom and sense of humor.

5. Philip halsmanis by suriealizmi photography.

Photographer Philip haltsmanma originally became famous for the photos, which was taking the air amkhtar people. Photographer believed that most clearly reflects the true face of the jump.

In this image, the photographer for 6 hours, the attendants filled the room, shot ten times in the air and water buckets cats needed. Photograph in the background can be seen the unfinished painting of Salvador Dali.

6. On 4 September 1954. Dorothy kauntsi, one of the first black student, goes to college.

7. ervitis Elliott (Elliott Ervitt) picture "for white and colored".

North Carolina, in 1950. Early manifestations of discrimination. The picture, which indicates the social injustice of segregation, widely known as a symbol of the need for change.

And really how it changes with time. Only two of the runs came after a powerful state and has a black president.

8. After the storm.

Patrick Farrell photos taken by the tragedy in Haiti, in 2008.

9. James Nash Photo.

US-France. November 1992. Bardera, Somalia. Mother takes away her son's body was found dead from starvation.

10. An Afghan refugee boy hiding from the dust storm

11. omaira Sanchez - 13-year-old Colombian girl's tragic story.

November 13, 1985. Nevada del Ruiz volcano eruption in (Colombia). Snow melted and 50 meters thick mud, land and water mass has destroyed everything. Lists of casualties reached 23 000. The accident has shocked the whole world, it is thanks to this photograph, which depicted a little girl named omaira sanchesia. It turned out to be trap - stuffed with mud, child legs collapsed concrete home construction followed. Rescuers trying to pump water out of the dirt and the child's release. 3 days no one was able to release his legs with concrete blocks, and the girl was taken.

Omairas news coverage on television, he went with the people, he asked for help, speaking to them. It lasted three days, rather than a virus omaira not infected. He developed gangrene and hypothermia

As a journalist Christina echandia recalls that during this time, all the time omairas, a girl singing and talking to those around you. He was afraid of the water, and constantly demanded. The third night of hallucinations. TV cameras and in front of the cameras have captured agoniur eventually died. This photo was taken a few minutes before his death, Frank Fournier- created by omairas.

12. An Afghan refugee girl - 13-year-old's heart sharbat.

The photo was taken in reportage photography by Steve makkaris by a legend. Afghan refugee girl in the photo is considered a masterpiece of the art of photography. Steve makkarim 13-year-old's heart sharbat Pakistan Nasir-bug in a refugee camp noticed. Afghanistan after Soviet troops entering the girl's parents died and relatives living in shelters.

1984 pushtunelma girl, sharbat Ghulam, world famous. For the first time this photo was published in the magazine and the magazine National Geographic- cover most of the top hundred. Gula fascinating eyes, a pale complexion, and in some places burned headscarf came from. After the photo cards and other publications were moved ...

When 17-year-old girl by the photographer and has a 30-year-old Ghulam looked at the photograph, left unsatisfied, the headdress was a faded photograph. This photo was taken a few months sharbat Gula remarried. She gave birth to four children, of whom one died.

13. Domestic violence, Afghanistan. 2010

Vandalism terrible fact - the 19-year-old Bibi Aisha's husband nose and ears cut off, because the unbearable conditions of living of the family and the husband's name brought shame dared to leave.

Aisha's suffering began when he was 16 years old when his parents future husband's father and brother to the 10, where he spent 2 years in prison. During this time the wife is seen as Pakistan struggled. Aisha could not stand the constant suffering and abuse and ran. He was caught and sent back home by force. On that day, the first time she saw her husband, who returned home because the family is dishonoring wife Taliban court. Husband enforce the court's judgment and mutilated young wife dying down in the mountains, where he was found unconscious in the accident and taken to the US for treatment. Aisha ones in Afghanistan under the domestic violence and slavery of tens of thousands of women silent image.

14. "Earthrise", 1968.

15. The first steps on the moon, 1969.

If we rely on a certain part of sources, Neil Armstrong- I was the first man who walked on the moon.

16. The life of the fetus in the first Scenes of 1965.

17. The fruit of the womb's life.

America shot during the operation, one of the most bizarre photos. 21-week fetus from the womb, and the surgeon was allocated a tiny finger hold. If it were, the fruit of her life, exercise of the right people.

18. Kosovo refugees. Photographer Carol Attis.

Carol Attis first woman photographer, Pulitzer prize awarded to him by the Kosovo filmed a touching video.

19. President Kennedy's assassination, on 22 November 1963.

20. The first successfully cloned animal.

The experiment was conducted in the UK, where he was born on July 5, 1996. He lived for 6 years.

21. Snow Man, 1967

Patterson-gimlinis documentary, which suddenly were bigputis (Cyrillic same snow man) women's individual, so far the only clear photograph, which is evidence of the existence of hominids on Earth relikturi.

22. Niagara Falls frozen, 1911 year.

23. the four legendary "beetle" - The Beatles.

Liverpool for the thousands of photos taken by photographers with a distinctive image, "the Beatles' final album -" Abbey Road "- a cover of a composition that Ian Macmillan, 1969 on the morning of August 8, stairs daughter, photographed in extreme conditions. A ten-minute photo session of the London police in St. Johns Wood in a small street. In the center, in the first four lenonia. Then - Ringo Starr, McCartney and Harrison.

"Photography masterpiece", "brilliant marketing move," "mystification of the century" - such epithets they called music lovers mark in show business history, perhaps the most famous scene.

24. Sunglasses that John Lennon wore at the time of killing.

25. World Trade Center, September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

26 World Trade Center terrorist attack one of the victims, who jumped out the window. Photos taken by Richard Drew Associated Press- photographer.

27. Saddam Hussein's hanging.

Iraq executed the country's former President Saddam Hussein sikbdilit. He was hanged in Baghdad near the verdict was withdrawn after 6 hours.

28 Iraqi prisoners of war and American soldiers.

In late April 2004, the CBS- TV program 60 Minutes was shown the story of torture and humiliation at Abu Ghraib prison, which was carried out by a group of American soldiers. This has become the scandal of American soldiers in Iraq to stay.

29. "famine in Sudan." Photographer - Kevin Carter.

Kevin Carter with four journalist worked in Africa and was looking potosensatsiebs. He's Pulitzer Prize in 1994 for this work, and international recognition. He is a picture of a starving Sudanese girl and the brink of disaster. Kevin Carter feed issuing from the point of walking away, when he heard crying. He is also on the field saw the exhausted and malnourished girl who came to the brink of weeping silently. Photographer and camera in hand, to shoot himself, when a child with a vulture flew. Kevin excellent photo shoot, giving the chosen position, and so the creation of the world in one of the most high-profile image. The video footage seen birds of prey, which the girl has shocked the entire civilized elodeba.potom dasakortnad his death.

When the photographer asked - why do not you help the girl and food outlets have led, Kevin replied, - my duty to call for information and help from anyone. Photographer Joao Silva was the only witness to the story, which claimed that in the picture of the mother by the United Nations for assistance in obtaining food for abandoned children are taken in a while, we see the vulture accidentally turned.

Despite successful potokarierisa, photographer depression developed (presumably, Sudan terrible memories of the story in the background) and at the age of 33 committed suicide. He was found dead in his flat.

30. Since April 1980, karamojas District, Uganda. Hungry Ugandan boy and a missionary.

31. Winston Churchill. 1941.

Yousuf Karsh- he was shot, the world is one of the most common photo-portrait.

32. "The Last Jew", Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 1941.

Photo Einsatzgruppe-'s personal collection of soldiers, inscribed on the back of the title - "The Last Jew". The photo shows the corpses of German soldiers being shot in the head full of the tomb of the Jewish man knees. At that time, 28 000 Jews in the massacre was carried out in Vinnitsa and its surroundings.

33. Anne Frank, 1941. Unknown Photographer.

6 million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany. The memory of a little Jewish girl has given the history and the face of the world in the eyes of Anne Frank became famous in his diary, which recorded its 13th birthday in 1942, in June, two weeks before his family would have been forced by the Nazis occupied the Netherlands in hiding . The constant fear and terror under 2 years in the attic of a house in Amsterdam. She did not know then that the future of the whole world to read her diary.

Anne Frank typhoid ill, died in a concentration camp Bergen-beslenis, March 1945, 1 month before the camp until his release. 3 months after Anna 16 years old. Anne Frank, the world came to know of this picture. Anna picture with wide eyes as if the future of mischerebia that it never will.

34. vietnamieli captive.

1966 On 24 February, the body of the house, in South Vietnam. American soldiers twine drags the body of a Vietnamese soldier.

35. Hungry Girl, Sudan.

Kevin Carter made a subject of criticism pulittsaris receiving the prize, which was awarded to him in the photograph.

36. The shadow of death valley, 1855. Photographer Roger Fenton.

37. The First World War, in July 1916. Wounded British soldiers.

38. 1936, "The Death of a Soldier".

Spanish Civil War, Republican soldier - Federico Borrell Garcia before his death. Photo Robert Capa best work to date and is believed to be recognized as the best shot of the war.

39 dead on the beach, 1943.

September 20, 1943. Photographer George stroki. When the magazine "LIFE" - published photos of American soldiers dead on the beach, there were questions about what it was needed. But the answer is unequivocally answered: "Words can never have enough ... words can not reveal, explain to us or make us, what happens in reality."

Franklin Roosevelt was convinced that the war needed to raise the self-confidence of the Americans. Photo is justified. Horrific footage shocked the photo inspired, determined to win the war.

40. Nazi punktsionerisa and his family were shot to death.

41. concentration camp "death factory"

The greatest destruction of the camp, Auschwitz. Utsodebdne a "death factory". Poland a few thousand hectares of the most terrible state of the world, several million people, which is about 3 thousand people escaped. Its entrance was written "Work makes you free". The entrance to hell.

42. Buchenwald camp captives were released from the camp on the final day. April 16, 1945.

43. Buchenwald camp, 1945.

Kentucky Senator - Albert Barkley, created by Congress and member of the Committee, which is investigating the actions of the Nazis. Photo shows the evidence that he was browsing in a concentration camp. Weimar, Germany.

44. chemical disaster, Buffalo, India

Indian city of Buffalo in the carbide factory containing 40 tons of methyl pesditsitebis izotsitratis 20 000 people died as a result of the spill. It was the world's worst chemical disaster.

45. Omaha Beach, Normandy, France, 1944. Photographer - Robert Capa.

It was an expression of all the things a lot of people, a vague picture of what was going on beyond their sight during World War II.

46. A boy, a grenade. New York's Central Park, 1962.

Dian arbesis portrait photography is very interesting, especially the peculiar handwriting 1950-1970 presented in a photo-material. New York's most impressive shots of everyday life preserved. Sallies were characterized with the photos and farsightedness, is the best example of the photo - a boy, a grenade in his hand. Grenades, of course, toys. This is one of the most famous photos that its content is contrary to the war, and violence in all its sisatikesa!

47. The X-ray picture of human first, 1896

48. The Second World War hero - the military, Nukri Kantaria Reichstag Soviet flag raising at the time. Eugene khaldei, 1945.

49. "unconditional surrender," or half-kiss on the Square.

After the Second World War, the sailors of the legendary photo that Nurse kissing happy with the victory of the Time Square. The photo of that time, he toured all the newspapers, magazines. Millions of Americans, that picture, which aizenshtadma "unconditional surrender," he called, has become a symbol of the end of World War II.

According to the legend, photographer Alfred aizenshtadma (Alfred Eisenstaedt) decided to find this couple, which was later succeeded.

50. The wounded soldier and priest

Venezuela. June 4, 1962, in Puerto Cabello naval base. Mortally wounded by a sniper to cling on to the priest, Luis padilos.

100 photos that shook world part two

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